We often think of droopy lids as simply a cosmetic problem, but for sufferers they are more.

Not only do they have to put up with constant inquiries about their sleeping habits and apparent lack of energy, the lids actually press on the eyelids making the eyes themselves tired.

Nicola, our Director of Business Development is a case in point.

When she started working here in November her eyes were quite hooded (before picture, upper right). Since then she has had several pixel treatments and each time she is more and more thrilled with the lift she has regained (after picture, below).

“Instead of falling down like a curtain, my lids are following the contour of my brow bone. I look brighter, can apply my make up easier and best of all I don’t suffer from the constant pressing on my eye balls that made it hard to work at the computer.”

If you’ve been thinking about doing something with your lids, now is the perfect time to try out a Pixel treatment as part of our Summer Tasting Menu.

With little downtime and far less risk and cost than surgery it might be just the solution to your hooded lids.

This article is reprinted from our newsletter of July 2, 2009. Subscribe to our newsletter by clicking on the big pink button in the upper right hand corner.