Lipodissolve involves injections that help you MELT FAT … and they really work!

Injection Lipolysis is a revolutionary method of targeted fat reduction. By injecting a natural compound derived from soybeans, we initiate a process during which fat is melted away and then eliminated using the body’s own metabolic process!

This method has been safely used in Europe and is now available in North America. Safer than liposuction or plastic surgery, Lipodissolve can help you reduce inches with no down time!

Dr. Rose is a member of Network-Lipolysis, a scientific group dedicated to safe and effective approaches to reducing fat by injection. Other groups may offer similar treatments, but only Network-Lipolysis adheres to the highest standards of product formulation, therapeutic regimes and client wellbeing.

At Advanced Rejuvenation Medical Spa in Burlington, we offer services such as Lipodissolve in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Treatment Areas Where Lipodissolve Is Effective


  • Double chin
  • Jowls


  • Saddlebags inner thigh
  • Lower buttocks/transition to thigh
  • Upper and lower belly
  • Fat bulges at shoulder arm joint
  • Upper arm
  • Knees


  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

Take the first step to a better you.