For beautiful natural lip augmentation, I prefer the Hart Lip technique.
Let me show you Sandy’s results:


Here we see Sandy’s Before and After pictures.
You can see that a lot more of the pink part of the lip, known as the vermillion in medical terms, is showing.
The margins of the lips are crisp and well-defined. This means that her lipstick won’t bleed beyond her lips.
I also see some smoothing of the lines around her lips. And that’s without having done anything to target those lines. Just restoring volume to the lips themselves helps to support the skin around the mouth and reduce lines.
Overall, this one change to Sandy’s appearance makes her look younger, softer and prettier.
These 3/4 profile views give you an idea of the profile of Sandy’s lips:


The lips look smoother and the vermillion is showing better.
Even the pillars of the philtrum (those 2 ridges that run from the peaks of the cupid’s bow to the nose) look firmer and the distance between the nose and upper lip looks a little shorter. These are both signs associated with looking younger. And no, I didn’t inject the pillars of the philtrum.
A lot of people are worried that lip filler is going to make them look ducky, distorted or over-inflated.
You can see that the Hart Lip technique achieves beautiful results that still look natural. The filler cannot leak outside the margin of the lips so the lips don’t look distorted.
If you’ve always wanted to have your lips done but were afraid of looking overdone, I highly recommend that you have your lip injections done using the Hart Lip technique.
This technique is the safest, from a medical standpoint, because the risk of hitting an artery is much lower, and avoids distortion and over-filling of the lips.