Let’s face it, our lips thin out as we age.
Restoring lost volume in the lips is a quick and easy way to make the lips and thus our whole face look younger. Not only younger but prettier and more feminine.
However, we’ve all seen lip filler disasters where the lips end up looking fake and distorted.
Over the years, I’ve seen different lips filler techniques come and go. I’ve always incorporated the best little tricks and tweaks to solve different problems. And overall I’ve been pretty happy with my techniques.
However I just learned a new approach to lip filler pioneered by New Zealand’s Dr Sarah Hart that I’m very excited about.
Here are the things I really like about the Hart Lip technique:
- It’s based on the embryological development of the lips (Yay Science!) and anatomy and proportions of the patient’s face
- It gives a simpler roadmap for correcting asymmetry
- The chance of hitting an artery in the lips is much lower so it’s safer
- Correcting volume and firming up the lip margin would be 2 steps with my old technique but are combined in the Hart Lip
- The technique for showing more of the pink part of the lip (the vermillion, in medical terms) is easy and avoids creating big rubbery lips
- The technique works on all ages
Let me show you how Jennifer turned out after I did the Hart Lip technique on her.


In the Before picture, you can see that Jen’s lips are pretty thin. The lower lip is full on her left side than the right (asymmetry).
In the After picture, you can see that Jen’s lips look fuller and more symmetrical.
Overall her face looks younger.
One of the things I really like about this technique is how it flips the edge of the lip in a pretty and youthful way.


In these semi-profile images, you can see that the edges of Jen’s lips are crisp, meaning that lipstick won’t bleed. The cupid’s bow is defined.
If you look at a teenage girl’s profile, you will see that the lips project a bit from the surrounding skin, just like Jen’s.
And her lower lip is no longer covered by the upper.
Injection techniques continue to evolve. The Hart Lip technique is safer than old techniques and gives pretty and natural-looking results for women of every age.