skin care

Treat your skin with Vitamin A

Continuing from my previous post What's in a skincare regimen, this article discusses Vitamin A derivatives as part of the treatment phase of a skincare protocol. An earlier article discussed the benefit of the Vitamin C serums.Vitamin A: you take it internally as part of a healthy diet but today we're talking about the amazing things [...]

By |March 13th, 2008|Categories: anti-aging, pigmentation, skin care|

Do skincare products really make a difference?

Let me just put this out there: Good skincare products really work.I feel like the present me talking to the me of a few years ago. I've mentioned before that I went through a stage of trying all different products from the drug store and the mall with pretty mediocre results. My impression was "Oh well, [...]

By |February 29th, 2008|Categories: skin care|

Something that really works

Before I got into the medical cosmetic world, I was dealing with aging skin myself. I didn't feel old inside but I had that typical British fair skin that had been exposed to too much sun and wind -- lots of sun damage, wrinkles, sagging skin, heavy eyelids, redness, zits, you name it.My mother is a [...]

By |January 29th, 2008|Categories: products, skin care, sun damage|
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