sun damage

Rejuvenating your face when the big event is less than a month away

Picture this: You have a big event coming up within a month and you want to look as fresh and rejuvenated and natural as possible. What should you do? The first thing I take into consideration is where you're at now. Do you have a lot of sun damage? If you have a lot of [...]

How laser photofacials erased my sunspots and redness and gave me my mojo back

I always wanted a nice even brown tan and devoted a lot of energy to achieving that goal from my early teens until my late 30s. Unfortunately, my skin doesn't tan very well. By the time I was 40, I had lots of freckles and brown sun spots, lots of redness and a rough texture to [...]

Blue Light: A real threat or a gimmick?

It seems like every new product I see claims to protect against blue light. I decided to investigate, to determine how much of a threat blue light truly is, and whether we should all be using blue light glasses and covering ourselves in blue light protection. Science of sun's emissions We're all used to the [...]

How to improve the appearance of your decolletage

This month I had a terrible moment: my husband was driving me to work and I happened to open the visor mirror. OMG! The slanting early morning light and the position of my arm combined to reveal every little crepey wrinkle on my decolletage! Picture taken on that fateful morning, gives you an idea of [...]

Now is the time to erase signs of sun damage

Now that cooler temperatures have arrived and the sun has slipped behind clouds, our tans are fading. Our winter skin is showing all of the after-effects of the sun-brightened skin that we enjoyed in the summer.When you look in the mirror, you're probably not seeing a smooth bright even-toned complexion.You're probably seeing brown spots -- sun [...]

6 Common Sunscreen Mistakes

It's that time of year again when we think about protecting ourselves from the sun. Before you go outdoors, make sure you're not making any of the following common mistakes with your sunscreen.Not wearing sunscreen on cloudy or overcast days.Damaging ultraviolet rays, UVA, stay at a pretty constant level all year round and all day. These [...]

By |June 15th, 2009|Categories: sun damage|
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