
Treat your skin with Vitamin A

Continuing from my previous post What's in a skincare regimen, this article discusses Vitamin A derivatives as part of the treatment phase of a skincare protocol. An earlier article discussed the benefit of the Vitamin C serums.Vitamin A: you take it internally as part of a healthy diet but today we're talking about the amazing things [...]

By |March 13th, 2008|Categories: anti-aging, pigmentation, skin care|

Did you see this?

Massive snowstorm on Saturday. Around my place, the snow just kept falling from the time I woke up (my pups are early risers) until well after midnight. I've spoken to a few women who used the snow day to clean their houses and get chores done but I thought snow days were for curling up on [...]

By |March 10th, 2008|Categories: cellulite|

What’s in a skincare regimen?

No matter what brand of skincare products you are using, your regimen can be broken into 3 components: cleansing, treatment and protection.CleansingThis first stage comprises the cleanser and toner or astringent.The cleanser must be effective at removing dirt, sebum, oil and makeup but gentle enough to avoid stripping the skin completely of oils or irritating the [...]

By |March 6th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|

Idol judge applauds BOTOX

This little item was in The Spec yesterday:The American Idol judge has confessed to regular Botox injections to smooth out any wrinkles. He said: "To me, Botox is no more unusual than toothpaste. It works, you do it once a year -- who cares. But I'd never dye my hair, although I know everyone thinks I [...]

By |March 5th, 2008|Categories: botox|

Do you have a question?

So far I have been posting on topics according to whatever seems timely or interesting to me but now I am curious about you folks reading the blog (the stats tell me you're out there) and wondering what you'd like to know about me and Advanced Rejuvenation.I put the instructions for getting a gmail account in [...]

By |March 3rd, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|

Great weekend!

We had a really fun weekend being involved with the HSBC Chilly 1/2 Marathon and the Frosty 5k races in Burlington.The weather on Sunday was beautiful: cold, clear and sunny. I was wearing black leggings that absorbed the sunshine well and kept me warm (reminds me of the way IPL works).It was so great to see [...]

By |March 3rd, 2008|Categories: skin cancer, sun damage|

And now for something completely different…

People who know me know that I am interested in all kinds of things having to do with mind over matter. I have used meditation since highschool to help maintain the mental and physical condition I needed to cope with various challenges -- little things like medical school, residency, exams and so on.I love getting people [...]

By |March 1st, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|

Do skincare products really make a difference?

Let me just put this out there: Good skincare products really work.I feel like the present me talking to the me of a few years ago. I've mentioned before that I went through a stage of trying all different products from the drug store and the mall with pretty mediocre results. My impression was "Oh well, [...]

By |February 29th, 2008|Categories: skin care|

Are you ready for spring?

February has been so long and cold and snowy, I'm starting to get a little antsy looking for signs of spring. OK, I'm Canadian, I'm used to our winters but you know what happens, one day you're wearing a parka, the next day you're in shirtsleeves.So what's on your wishlist to get ready for spring?A lot [...]

By |February 27th, 2008|Categories: hair removal|

Something really exciting is coming…

We have a fantastic project coming very soon. Advanced Rejuvenation will be partnering with several local businesses to give a 10 Years Younger Makeover to one lucky winner.Check in here to get the 411 on how to get involved with this amazing transformation.Someone is going to look amazing this spring!

By |February 26th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|
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