
How to improve the appearance of your decolletage

This month I had a terrible moment: my husband was driving me to work and I happened to open the visor mirror. OMG! The slanting early morning light and the position of my arm combined to reveal every little crepey wrinkle on my decolletage! Picture taken on that fateful morning, gives you an idea of [...]

Kelly’s Progress: 2 weeks

Before starting SkinTx After using SkinTx for 2 weeks Kelly has been using the SkinTx system for 2 weeks.SkinTx includes 4 programs: Rejuvenation for dry skin, Rejuvenation for combination or oily skin, Hyper-pigmentation and Acne. Kelly is using the Program 2, Rejuvenation for combination or oily skin. The first change that Kelly noticed was that the [...]

By |June 21st, 2012|Categories: pigmentation, skin care|

Take the SkinTx Challenge!

Think skincare doesn't really make a difference to the quality of your skin? We're going to prove that medical-grade skincare really works! Meet Kelly, 38, who recently joined our team at Advanced Rejuvenation. As an esthetician, Kelly has always practised good skincare. However her love of spending time outdoors means that sun damage has taken its toll. [...]

By |June 20th, 2012|Categories: pigmentation, skin care|

Now is the time to erase signs of sun damage

Now that cooler temperatures have arrived and the sun has slipped behind clouds, our tans are fading. Our winter skin is showing all of the after-effects of the sun-brightened skin that we enjoyed in the summer.When you look in the mirror, you're probably not seeing a smooth bright even-toned complexion.You're probably seeing brown spots -- sun [...]

Treat your skin with Vitamin A

Continuing from my previous post What's in a skincare regimen, this article discusses Vitamin A derivatives as part of the treatment phase of a skincare protocol. An earlier article discussed the benefit of the Vitamin C serums.Vitamin A: you take it internally as part of a healthy diet but today we're talking about the amazing things [...]

By |March 13th, 2008|Categories: anti-aging, pigmentation, skin care|
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