
Using Teosyal KISS to balance the lips

These images are Laura's mouth, Before (left) and After (right) putting some Teosyal KISS in her upper lip. You saw Laura's full face previously in this article.Laura has a very pretty, full lower lip but her upper lips was quite thin in comparison. I injected just over half a syringe (0.6 mL to be exact) in [...]

By |August 21st, 2008|Categories: lips|

Vivier releases an amazing new serum

We were honored to take part in the evaluation of new serum that Vivier has just released. It's called C E Kinerol. Kinerol is a complex of peptides that stimulates growth of skin cells and important components of the framework of the skin. The vitamin C and E components give the serum powerful antioxidant effects and [...]

By |August 9th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|

Lovely lips!

Lauren was finally prepared to have her lips done. It is something that she and I had wanted to do for a while. Lauren is tall and we thought her lips were a little out of proportion with her face and height but she has trouble with needles so it took a while for her to [...]

By |August 9th, 2008|Categories: lips|

If you need help with meditation

It's not unusual at Advanced Rejuvenation to have a client who is afraid of the treatment, especially an injection-based treatment. The way I help him or her get through the treatment is to use techniques of relaxation and guided meditation.Meditation is something I have done on a regular basis since my teenage years. I needed it [...]

By |July 25th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|

What’s the first sign of aging?

When you're talking about changes in the volumes of the face, that is, whether the parts that should be full are full and in the right place, the first sign of aging is that line that starts at the inside corner of the eye and extends diagonally outward and downward. The older you are, the more [...]

By |July 18th, 2008|Categories: dermal fillers|

More eyelash extensions — you’ve got to love them!

BEFORE:AFTER:Check out these lashes on a 77 year old woman. She had had a cancer below her left eye that was treated with radiation about 30 years ago. The radiation left her with white eyelashes on the upper lid and loss of lashes, scarring and dark pigmentation on the lower lid.Jaclyn applied the 9-month eyelash extensions, [...]

By |July 16th, 2008|Categories: radiation|

Accent radiofrequency for a soft jawline

I wanted to share with you these Before & After pictures of Accent radiofrequency (RF) used on a man in his late 30's who wanted to improve softness in his neck and jawline area.The photographic technique is different for the 2 pictures (obviously) but I think you can still see how much better his jaw is [...]

By |July 16th, 2008|Categories: facial rejuvenation|
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