
Blue Light: A real threat or a gimmick?

It seems like every new product I see claims to protect against blue light. I decided to investigate, to determine how much of a threat blue light truly is, and whether we should all be using blue light glasses and covering ourselves in blue light protection. Science of sun's emissions We're all used to the [...]

Introducing Emsculpt Neo

Why is Emsculpt Neo the hottest new treatment for body sculpting? Emsculpt Neo not only gets rid of fat; it also increases muscle so you lose inches and you're more toned. That translates into looking and feeling stronger. What is Emsculpt Neo? Emsculpt Neo combines radiofrequency energy to shrink fat, and electromagnetic stimulation of muscles to [...]

By |January 10th, 2022|Categories: body recontouring, Emsculpt Neo, HIFEM|Tags: |

How to improve the appearance of your decolletage

This month I had a terrible moment: my husband was driving me to work and I happened to open the visor mirror. OMG! The slanting early morning light and the position of my arm combined to reveal every little crepey wrinkle on my decolletage! Picture taken on that fateful morning, gives you an idea of [...]

To diet or not to diet, that is the question

Diets come and go. For a while everyone seems to be on the latest hot diet, we hear some amazing success stories, and most of us lose a little weight and gain it right back again. Then we try the next hot diet and the cycle continues. Is there a best or most effective diet? Many [...]

By |June 22nd, 2018|Categories: fat, weight loss|

Introducing microneedling to regrow your hair

We have recently started doing a new treatment to stimulate hair growth: microneedling plus growth factors. This treatment represents the latest step in our quest to work with the body to bring back hair follicles and stimulate healthier thicker hair, without surgery. Background We know that with the typical causes of hair loss the hair follicle [...]

By |June 7th, 2018|Categories: hair loss|Tags: , |

How I avoided a lid lift (blepharoplasty)

I used to think that I would need a lid lift or blepharoplasty. As I approached my 40s, I could see my lids getting heavier. It was a family trait: I was heading down the same path as my mother and my older sister. As we age, our skin levels of collagen and elastin decline, making [...]

Favourite tricks: Tone down redness quickly

As a rosacea sufferer, I love the tricks I have collected over the years for toning down redness. I'm all about instant gratification when it comes to redness. Skincare -- we have 2 products that calm redness in 5 minutes, our favourite cleanser Hexam and moisturizer Lexxel. Hexam is so gentle that I can use it [...]

6 facts you should know about laser hair removal

Summer is coming. Along with lighter clothing and days beside the water, the necessity for shaving returns. Imagine never having to shave again. Wouldn't that make life easier? Laser hair removal is a great way to simplify your life. No more ingrown hairs, no more razor cuts, no more hassle. If you're thinking about going ahead [...]

By |April 12th, 2018|Categories: hair removal|

How I got longer thicker eyelashes

I used to have nice long eyelashes when I was young. After I turned 40, they seemed to get thinner and shorter. No matter how much I piled on the mascara, my eyelashes didn't look good. I tried eyelash extensions with the talented Jackie Gillies, The Ornatrix, and loved them but they are a big time [...]

By |March 8th, 2018|Categories: eyelashes|
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